Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Bad New Jersey Driver

I know New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has a lot on his plate these days, what with most of the state government being shut down and all. But there's another matter involving his administration which is also troubling. His attorney general, Zulima Farber, is in a bit of hot water because her boyfriend's traffic tickets may have been cancelled due to her influence.

On Memorial Day weekend, Hamlet Goore was stopped by local police in Fairview as part of the "Click It Or Ticket" seatbelt check campaign. He was initially cited by police for driving without a valid license or registration. He called Farber, who was driven to the scene of the stop. Next thing ya know, those tickets were ripped up. Farber had several tickets and a bench summons to her name before she was appointed by Corzine; her lack of respect for the law led to former governor Jim McGreevey withdrawing her name from consideration for the state Supreme Court.

Corzine's counsel appointed a retired judge to look into the matter; he apparently will have investigatory and subpoena powers. I hope he uses them.

Philadelphia Inquirer story

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