OK, this is rather long for a blog entry. But I promised I would try to explain Philadelphia's particular dialect. We gots our awn way aspeakin, an yuze can figger out wot weir sayen by uzen diss guide:
Aaeg: Egg, wot youze eat wit scrapple
Ack-a-mee: Acme Markets, a local supermarket chain
Addy-tood: Attitude
Aeneeding: Anything ("Can I get ya aeneeding?")
A-ite: All right (as in "Yo Chally, get me dah Ink-wire, a-ite?")
Akrost: Across ("He walked akrost the shtreet")
Als: Owls (as in Temple University's Owls)
Anaconda: On account of (as in "Cholly coont go to the Ack-amee anaconda he had to work")
Ant: Aunt
Aster-ick: Asterisk
Ath-a-leet: Athlete
Awn: Own
A cup uh cawfee: A cup of coffee
Baff-room: Bathroom
Baldy-more: Baltimore
Bat-tree: Battery
Bee-Yoo-Dee-Full: Beautiful
Beggels: Bagels
Birffday: Birthday
Big Mahoff: An ostentatious person
Bin Dare: Been There
Bref-fist: Breakfast
Casina: Casino
Caus: Because
Caw-Fee: Coffee
Cholly: Any man named Charlie
Come auwn!: Come on!
Con-fra-bill: Comfortable
Con-ter-versy: Controversy
Coont: Couldn't
Crown: Crayon
Cump-nee: Company
Dah Fills: The Philles, the pro baseball team
Dah Fliers: The Flyers, the pro hockey team
Dah Iggles: The Eageles, the pro football team
Dah Semi-Sixers: The Seventy-Sixers, the pro basketball team
Dah Vet: the Vet (a.k.a. Veterans Stadium), late home of dah Fills and dah Iggles
Deflee: Definitely
Dennis: Dentist
Dint: Didn't
Far-Ist: Forest
Fiff Shtreet: Fifth Street
Figger: Figure
Fluffia: Philadelphia
Fuss-strated: Frustrated
Ga head: Go ahead
Gazz: Petroleum
Gun-all: Canoli (the Italian pastry)
Goff-forbid: God forbid
Haff: Have
Hal: How
Hunnert: Hundred
Ice-box: A refrigerator
Ice-ning: Icing
Inkwire: Philadelphia Inquirer, the biggest newspaper in the city
Innerestin: Interesting
Ir-regardless: Regardless
It Lee: Italy
Jeez Take: Cheesesteak (thinly sliced steak on a small, long roll)
Jeez Take Wid/Widout: Cheesteak with or without onions (available at Pat's, 9th & Passyunk ('Passhunk' in Fluffyan)
Jeet Yet?: Have you eaten yet?
No, Jew?: No, have you?
Jimmies: Sprinkles
Langwich: Language
Lannick Ciddy/Lantic Ciddy: Atlantic City, NJ, a place where dah casinas are
Leck-tric: Electric (as in, "Yo, Antny got a job wit dah leck-tric cumpnee")
Levin: Eleven
Libber-Dee Bell: Liberty Bell
Lie-berry: Library
Lite-nin Bug: Firefly
Lot-tree: Lottery
Man-Ays: Mayonnaise
Mare: Mayor
My-en: Mine
My-zil: May as well
National Ligg: National League
Neck-Store: Next Door
Newsey: Nosey
Nynt Shtreet: Ninth Street
Offen: Often
OhCee: Ocean City, NJ
Paa-ler: Parlor (a.k.a. living room)
Payment: A sidewalk
Pea-nits: Peanuts
Pennapak Creek: Pennypack Creek
Pixture/Pitcher: A photograph
Pock-a-book: Pocketbook, or purse
Poke-noes: Poconos, the mountain range in Northeastern PA
Porky-Pine: Porcupine
Prob-lee: Probably
Prosteetute: Prostitute
Q-Pons: Coupons
Ratty-Ater: Radiator
Re-dic-liss: Ridiculous
Reg-a-ler: Regular
Sangwich: Sandwich
Senner Ciddy: Center City
Shtreet: Street
Siddy Haw: City Hall
Skone On?: What's going on?
Skookill: Schuylkill-the River and the Expressway
Sow Fluffya: South Philadelphia
Sow Shreet: South Street
Spicket: Faucet
Taawk: Talk
Tahmaydas: Tomatoes
Tal: Towel
Tamarra: Tomorrow
Tanks: Thanks
Tellum: Tell him
Tooken: Taken
Trawley: Trolley
Tree: Three
U-mid: Humid
Upamount'ns: Up the mountains, the alternative to dahnashure
Wall Women: the Walt Whitman, a bridge connecting Philly & New Jersey
Wal-Wood: Wildwood
Warsh: Wash
Whoodaya: Who do you ... ?
Widges: With all of you ("Can I go widges to the Iggles game?")
Windas: Windows
Wit: With
Wit-out: Without
Wooder: Water
Wooder ice: Water ice, a local summer treat, also known as "Italian ice"
Woont: Wouldn't
Yo, Supp?: Hi, what's up?
Yo, hon: What guys say to girls in Philly
Youse: More than one of you
Yiz: A variation of 'youse'
Yizzle: You all will
Yunner Stan: Do you understand?
Aaeg: Egg, wot youze eat wit scrapple
Ack-a-mee: Acme Markets, a local supermarket chain
Addy-tood: Attitude
Aeneeding: Anything ("Can I get ya aeneeding?")
A-ite: All right (as in "Yo Chally, get me dah Ink-wire, a-ite?")
Akrost: Across ("He walked akrost the shtreet")
Als: Owls (as in Temple University's Owls)
Anaconda: On account of (as in "Cholly coont go to the Ack-amee anaconda he had to work")
Ant: Aunt
Aster-ick: Asterisk
Ath-a-leet: Athlete
Awn: Own
A cup uh cawfee: A cup of coffee
Baff-room: Bathroom
Baldy-more: Baltimore
Bat-tree: Battery
Bee-Yoo-Dee-Full: Beautiful
Beggels: Bagels
Birffday: Birthday
Big Mahoff: An ostentatious person
Bin Dare: Been There
Bref-fist: Breakfast
Casina: Casino
Caus: Because
Caw-Fee: Coffee
Cholly: Any man named Charlie
Come auwn!: Come on!
Con-fra-bill: Comfortable
Con-ter-versy: Controversy
Coont: Couldn't
Crown: Crayon
Cump-nee: Company
Dah Fills: The Philles, the pro baseball team
Dah Fliers: The Flyers, the pro hockey team
Dah Iggles: The Eageles, the pro football team
Dah Semi-Sixers: The Seventy-Sixers, the pro basketball team
Dah Vet: the Vet (a.k.a. Veterans Stadium), late home of dah Fills and dah Iggles
Deflee: Definitely
Dennis: Dentist
Dint: Didn't
Far-Ist: Forest
Fiff Shtreet: Fifth Street
Figger: Figure
Fluffia: Philadelphia
Fuss-strated: Frustrated
Ga head: Go ahead
Gazz: Petroleum
Gun-all: Canoli (the Italian pastry)
Goff-forbid: God forbid
Haff: Have
Hal: How
Hunnert: Hundred
Ice-box: A refrigerator
Ice-ning: Icing
Inkwire: Philadelphia Inquirer, the biggest newspaper in the city
Innerestin: Interesting
Ir-regardless: Regardless
It Lee: Italy
Jeez Take: Cheesesteak (thinly sliced steak on a small, long roll)
Jeez Take Wid/Widout: Cheesteak with or without onions (available at Pat's, 9th & Passyunk ('Passhunk' in Fluffyan)
Jeet Yet?: Have you eaten yet?
No, Jew?: No, have you?
Jimmies: Sprinkles
Langwich: Language
Lannick Ciddy/Lantic Ciddy: Atlantic City, NJ, a place where dah casinas are
Leck-tric: Electric (as in, "Yo, Antny got a job wit dah leck-tric cumpnee")
Levin: Eleven
Libber-Dee Bell: Liberty Bell
Lie-berry: Library
Lite-nin Bug: Firefly
Lot-tree: Lottery
Man-Ays: Mayonnaise
Mare: Mayor
My-en: Mine
My-zil: May as well
National Ligg: National League
Neck-Store: Next Door
Newsey: Nosey
Nynt Shtreet: Ninth Street
Offen: Often
OhCee: Ocean City, NJ
Paa-ler: Parlor (a.k.a. living room)
Payment: A sidewalk
Pea-nits: Peanuts
Pennapak Creek: Pennypack Creek
Pixture/Pitcher: A photograph
Pock-a-book: Pocketbook, or purse
Poke-noes: Poconos, the mountain range in Northeastern PA
Porky-Pine: Porcupine
Prob-lee: Probably
Prosteetute: Prostitute
Q-Pons: Coupons
Ratty-Ater: Radiator
Re-dic-liss: Ridiculous
Reg-a-ler: Regular
Sangwich: Sandwich
Senner Ciddy: Center City
Shtreet: Street
Siddy Haw: City Hall
Skone On?: What's going on?
Skookill: Schuylkill-the River and the Expressway
Sow Fluffya: South Philadelphia
Sow Shreet: South Street
Spicket: Faucet
Taawk: Talk
Tahmaydas: Tomatoes
Tal: Towel
Tamarra: Tomorrow
Tanks: Thanks
Tellum: Tell him
Tooken: Taken
Trawley: Trolley
Tree: Three
U-mid: Humid
Upamount'ns: Up the mountains, the alternative to dahnashure
Wall Women: the Walt Whitman, a bridge connecting Philly & New Jersey
Wal-Wood: Wildwood
Warsh: Wash
Whoodaya: Who do you ... ?
Widges: With all of you ("Can I go widges to the Iggles game?")
Windas: Windows
Wit: With
Wit-out: Without
Wooder: Water
Wooder ice: Water ice, a local summer treat, also known as "Italian ice"
Woont: Wouldn't
Yo, Supp?: Hi, what's up?
Yo, hon: What guys say to girls in Philly
Youse: More than one of you
Yiz: A variation of 'youse'
Yizzle: You all will
Yunner Stan: Do you understand?
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