Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Doctor, My Eyes Or Why I Haven't Been Posting

Some of you who look at this site every so often have noticed that I haven't been posting very often. So why is that? Part of the answer is that I've been busy reading, going to concerts, volunteering, etc. This leads to a bigger part of the answer: that at the end of the work day, my eyes just can't take it. My job requires using a computer, and after staring at that screen, the last thing I want to do most days is come home, and continue it. I don't even watch much television, beyond a few minutes of news, sports, and weather, or Lost and 24.

So keep checking on me, I'll try to do better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree about staring at the computer all day, but the lure of my video games (Civilization III to be specific) overrides my eye issues and I find myself staring at the computer for hours and hours post-work...and of course LOST, the greatest TV show I've ever seen, and they only dramatic television I have EVER tuned in to.