"Some feel them, others see them. Everyone experiences them from their own standpoint. For me, they are beings of light, like a feeling of a powerful presence, a strong sense of love," she said.
Coincidentally (or is it?), former All-Star Philadelphia Phillie Darren Daulton, in an appearance today on "Daily News Live" on Comcast Sportsnet, said that he communicates with lizards, and expects major world changes (and perhaps, The End) with the end of the current Mayan calendar in 2012. His book, comes out in September, wherein he lays out his beliefs. This interview, like his earlier comments, lead people to snicker at his beliefs. And while I don't share those beliefs, I wouldn't mock him.
There are quite a lot of people out there who are ... out there. They believe in angels, flying saucers, Edgar Cayce & Earth Changes, Atlantis, etc. And as long as they aren't hurting anyone, I don't seem the harm in their expression of those beliefs. There are so many other problems to deal with, last time I checked. Michael Vick, for one!
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