I don't know how to say this, but I'm really starting to agree with Pat Buchanan more and more these days. He's a permanent guest on various programs on MSNBC, usually discussing the Iraq war, immigration, or some other foreign policy issue. While I would disagree with some of his views, he is spot on once again, this time in his column on the failure of Europe as a world power. Noting that European powers lack the will to support the United States in exercising military power, Buchanan calls for big changes in the U.S. role in Europe and NATO.
There is a larger meaning to all this, and Americans must come to terms with it. NATO is packing it in as a world power. NATO is little more than a U.S. guarantee to pull Europe's chestnuts out of the fire if Europeans encounter a fight they cannot handle, like an insurgency in Bosnia or Kosovo. NATO has one breadwinner, and 25 dependents.
Wow. This is powerful stuff, because it's a debate that our elected officials have been afraid to have since the end of the Cold War.
You can read the whole column
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