Wednesday, March 21, 2007

You Might Be A Tech Addict If ...

If you're feeling a bit too disconnected from the real world thanks to all of this wonderful technology we've surrounded ourselves with, you're certainly not alone. According to John O'Neill, director of social work at the Menninger Clinic in Houston, these are the warning signs that you have an addiction to technology:

1.You become upset or angry when you lose your cell or Internet connection.

2. You lose track of time when you're online; minutes stretch into hours.

3. Talking on your cell phone, checking email, or surfing the Web takes the place of physically spending time with family and friends.

4.You start and end your day checking email, chatting, etc., rather than really relating to others.

5. You travel and even vacation with all of your communication devices.

There's an old saying: everything in moderation. It sure applies here! So, take a walk. Turn off the cell & TV. Go to the beach. Visit an old friend. Read a book or magazine. Tune out for a while.

But please, come back to this blog! ;-)

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