This week, Kia Gregory in Philadelphia Weekly reported on Sharon and Larry Boyd, a couple whose house on Lincoln Drive in the Mount Airy section of the city was hit by an SUV on Memorial Day weekend. The driver, Robin Anderson, was likely driving at near 90 m.p.h., far above the 25 m.p.h. speed limit. She caused $200,000 in damage to the house, and the city billed the Boyds for the cost of having the Blazer towed. This part really got my blood boiling:
A few days after the accident Anderson returned to the smashed SUV that was then parked outside the Boyds’ home, looking for her personal belongings. When Sharon asked her for a copy of her insurance card, Anderson was anything but apologetic. She just cursed and threatened SharonThe article also notes that Anderson was uninsured, and what a surprise, has a long criminal record; she was probably celebrating her latest release with her friends by speeding on the dangerous road. This kind of thing just infuriates me. I have zero tolerance and absolutely no sympathy for people who commit crimes; there is no reason why good people like the Boyds and so many others have to suffer.
It may not be coincidental that the PW's cover story was about Philadelphians who also happen to be gun owners, who were profiled in a recent book by Philadelphia photographer Kyle Cassidy.
Armed America undermines the stereotype of the ’roid-raging, borderline neo-Nazi death fetishist. Instead you find a Buddhist, a left-wing Democratic blogger, a smattering of liberals, an anticolonialist, a socialist and two members of the Pink Pistols, Philadelphia’s gay gun owners’ clubWhy do these law-abiding citizens own guns? They all have their reasons, but for many it seems to be about protecting their loved ones and themselves, if necessary. These days, in Philadelphia, it's easy to see their point.
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