Friday, June 02, 2006

I Guess Y'all Aren't Busy These Days?

So, the President is going to be speaking tomorrow in his weekly radio address about the need to amend the U.S. Constitution to prohibit "gay marriage." The Senate will be debating an amendment, which, if passed (it's already gone through the House), would go to the states for the ratification process. But really, is this necessary? There are so many problems this country is facing. Here are the biggies: the war against Islamist extremism, the war in Iraq, the high price of oil, illegal immigration, the budget deficit, Iran, North Korea. I think this is a bone the administration is throwing to a segment of the so-called "right wing" which is unhappy with Bush and just may sit out the 2006 elections. But social legislation, by-and-large, should not be written into the Constitution. Defining "marriage", and legal recognition of unions by gays and lesbians who are consenting adults is a matter best left to the states, and their legislatures to decide.

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