Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Taking Advantage Of Catastrophe

It was a one-day news story last week: apparently FEMA (and therefore, the American taxpayer) was ripped off to the tune of well over $1 billion by Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Sick. Disgusting. Awful. And all too familiar.

In the days after 9/11, the American people showed incredible compassion by donating huge amounts of supplies to relief workers who were putting their lives and health at risk at the World Trade Center site in New York City. But according to an article I read, some of them were diverted, stolen really, by a company managing a warehouse holding the supplies.

So, here's the name of the bad guys: Kieger Enterprises (KEI) of Lino Lakes, Minnesota. These sick bastards should have been prosecuted for the thefts, but it seems the FBI thought they had enough evidence to get them on fraud allegations.

Somewhere, al-Qaeda members are smiling.

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