OK, you may stop laughing. After all, this time, the new slogan was free, more or less. Just one problem: there's a reluctance by state officials to go with it because it may already be in use elsewhere. The Atlantic City Press wrote about a few days ago.
Now how this happened is going to be an interesting story, if, and when, it comes out. I mean, no one thought about compiling a list of all other state and city slogans in an Excel spreadsheet to check against? In the words of John Stossel, give me a break!
Anyhow, I remembered another country's tourism slogan my girlfriend thought was so cool. So, how about we adapt it: "New Jersey: Where The Bloody Hell Are You?"
Atlantic City Press article about state slogan
Australian Tourism
Well, granted on a weekend it'll probably take you as long to drive from, say, Hudson County to Seaside Heights via the GSP as it will to hop a flight from Newark to Sydney...and I'm sure Sydney's a much nicer place to be.
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